Rachel Michael Styling - Personal Stylist Minneapolis

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I Have a Confession.

As much as I love clothing & accessories, and yes, all.the.shoes!— I don’t love “fashion”. It might seem counterintuitive for a stylist to forego fashion, but hear me out.

To me, fashion is about following what others tell you is "in" - it's about trends that have nothing to do with who I am, or who you are, as a person. It has you marching to the same drumbeat as everyone else. 

Can you imagine Picasso painting his masterpieces, if he had followed the art rules of his time period? If he had stuck with what supposedly made "fine art" so fine? He wouldn't be the artist that we know and love today. He wouldn't have created the masterpieces that are wholly his own, offering a unique perspective and creating an entirely new genre of art. 

His creativity and inspiring greatness came from giving himself permission to follow what truly lit him up, not caring what others thought or said was in "fashion" at the time.

Sound familiar? It also applies to your style!

It's why throwing out fashion rules, dos & don'ts, and the shoulds & shouldn'ts is so important to creating your own unique style.

When was the last time you: ⁠⁠⁠⁠

 👗 Let yourself dress freely?

⁠⁠ ⁠⁠📦⁠ Thought outside of the box?

🎨 Got creative with your looks?

Your clothes and personal style are meant to showcase your creative and wholly unique personality, not hide them.

 Did you know I offer complimentary style calls so I can learn about what lights you up? I believe in putting your personality into your clothes,  so let’s connect and get your style spark back by finding your own unique, one-of-a-kind style!  



I'm a Minneapolis personal stylist on a mission to eradicate outdated style 'rules' so women can unleash themselves in all their beautiful, authentic glory!

I offer personal styling services that empower women to wear what they love by helping them ditch any outdated style rules keeping them stuck, showing them how to dress in a way that embraces their beautiful body and, the key to it all, having fun! I believe in a liberated style approach so there are no style rules, body shapes, seasonal colors or dos and don’ts given out here. Rather, I help my clients tap into what lights them up and dress with the purpose of expressing their authentic selves rather than impressing others.

This is all done through a combination of styling services (including wardrobe edits, shopping trips and styling sessions) available in thoughtfully curated styling packages designed to help clients unleash their true self through the power of style.

When I'm not helping women take back their power style, you can find me reading (about a gazillion books at once), learning the art of pole dancing, making & decorating cakes, binging a random circa 2000's TV show with my hubby, Aaron, while playing with my adorable rescue pup or, of course, shopping! :-)