Rachel Michael Styling - Personal Stylist Minneapolis

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Where to spend your money this Black Friday

Black Friday is just around the corner - and you know what that means… enticing deals and tempting offers every where you look.

It’s easy to go hog wild and before you know it, you’ve added a ton of clothes and accessories to your wardrobe that you realize months later (far past the return date, oops!), you never actually wear.

To combat that the next year, you go the opposite direction and aim to be super strategic by creating a detailed plan and swearing on your first born child that you will only buy what’s on your shopping list. But then you end up not buying anything at all! And the whole experience was a drag on your time and energy without even getting the new clothes excitement as a reward.

It might seem like you’re forced between two options - creating a rigid plan that has you endlessly scrolling to find pieces that perfectly match what’s on your list until you give up from pure frustration or having no plan so you buy all the things and then dealing with the all too familiar icky feeling of buyers remorse that leaves you feeling ashamed and irresponsible.

(Or being so overwhelmed that you avoid Black Friday shopping all together and then stare morosely into your closet every morning for the next month regretting what could’ve been.)

Talk about stress! Something we all need more of that this time of the year - said no human. Ever.

Luckily, there’s another way.

Give yourself the best of both worlds with a general idea of what you want to spend your money on while staying open to new possibilities.

This way you set gentle parameters for yourself that help you be intentional with your money while still having fun.

So what types of pieces are worth braving the chaotic world of Black Friday stores or delving into overwhelming website sales? I’m glad you asked!

Think about getting your WHIT together before you go shopping 😆 In other words, know the key types of pieces to focus on that will give your wardrobe the most bang for its buck when you buy them on sale.

Wishlist pieces

This is just what it sounds like - any pieces you’ve had on your wishlist but held off buying due to the price. These could also be pieces you’ve had on your eye on and it wasn’t necessarily the price itself deterring you, but rather the thought, “is this something I would actually wear enough for the price to be worth it?” In other words, while you love it, do you want to spend that particular amount of money on something you might only wear a few times?

If that sounds familiar, go look those items up, right meow. You might just find that the price is right and now’s your chance to snag them!

Hype pieces

These are pieces that you’ve heard about, read about, or stumbled across on social media (looking at you instagram ads!) and while they intrigue you, and you’ve even seen good reviews, you’re just not sure if all the hype is real - and that makes you wary of spending money on it.

A lot of these pieces will be incredibly discounted for Black Friday to help them gain brand awareness and provide an incentive for shy buyers to give them a try. If there are any hype pieces that you can’t get out of your head, now might be just the time to give into that desire, my friend!

Investment pieces

Clothes and accessories that are made of high-quality materials, have incredible craftsmanship and, because of this, will stand up to the test of time are referred to as investment pieces. Partially because of how long they last and partially because of the generous price tag that goes along with them

Before scouring for deals, take a moment to think about think about what pieces you wear (or use) everyday (ie, your go-to jeans), what pieces take the most abuse and therefore need to be high quality (ie, your overstuffed purse) and what pieces you consider comfort and fit to be a top priority (ie, shoes if you have foot issues).

You may even want to consider those wardrobe necessities where quality makes all the difference but it’s also really annoying to invest in them because it involves spending money on something uber mundane, like socks. It’s not nearly as painful when they’re on sale!

Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales are a great opportunity to upgrade key items in your wardrobe to an investment piece that you’ll still be wearing and loving 5 Black Fridays later.

Want a little extra inspo? Below are a few good types of investment pieces to keep your eye on this Black Friday season.

Trend pieces

Whether it’s actually a new trend or simply new to you, if there’s a style that you’ve been curious about trying, now is the time to explore!

Taking advantage of Black Friday deals is an excellent low risk way to play with new styles that you’re not quite sure you’ll love.

For a little inspo to get you started, below are the top styles my clients are asking for right now.

Bonus Tip!
Many big retailers already have their Black Friday specials going on as you read this. So don’t wait! Hit the shops or websites now to guarantee the best availability of sizes and styles in the pieces you want to buy.

But, of course, remember that some of the most special, unique finds come from small boutiques so be sure to hit your local shops this weekend too and support a small business, or two, or ten!

You’re now ready to go forth and conquer Black Friday and Cyber Monday as an oh-so-savvy shopper. And you know I love a good style find so be sure to share your shopping wins with me over on Instagram @rachelmichaelstyling or hit me up via email at rachel@rachelmichael.com.

All that’s left to say now is - happy shopping!! 🛍💃🏼

PS - Love the shoppable links above? You’re getting a sneak peek into how working with me can make shopping as easy as click, buy, wear and love! Grab some face time with me here to learn how you can have me shop for you just like that!



I'm a Minneapolis personal stylist on a mission to eradicate outdated style 'rules' so women can unleash themselves in all their beautiful, authentic glory!

I offer personal styling services that empower women to wear what they love by helping them ditch any outdated style rules keeping them stuck, showing them how to dress in a way that embraces their beautiful body and, the key to it all, having fun! I believe in a liberated style approach so there are no style rules, body shapes, seasonal colors or dos and don’ts given out here. Rather, I help my clients tap into what lights them up and dress with the purpose of expressing their authentic selves rather than impressing others.

This is all done through a combination of styling services (including wardrobe edits, shopping trips and styling sessions) available in thoughtfully curated styling packages designed to help clients unleash their true self through the power of style.

When I'm not helping women take back their power style, you can find me reading (about a gazillion books at once), traveling to new and old favorite destinations, binging a random circa 2000's TV show with my hubby, Aaron, playing with my adorable rescue pup or, of course, shopping! :-)